Our customers don’t want to scroll and search endlessly...
...and they shouldn’t have to learn our vocab and what we call things to do it.
FoundIt!’s smart navigation gives our customers the options they need, in their language. and means they find products and alternates quicker and easier.
Large range made categories hard to browse through to find the right product, which was compounded by filters that used internal language & didn’t match shoppers
Large range made categories hard to browse through to find the right product, which was compounded by filters that used internal language & didn’t match shoppers
Large range made categories hard to browse through to find the right product, which was compounded by filters that used internal language & didn’t match shoppers
Large range made categories hard to browse through to find the right product, which was compounded by filters that used internal language & didn’t match shoppers
Large range made categories hard to browse through to find the right product, which was compounded by filters that used internal language & didn’t match shoppers
Large range made categories hard to browse through to find the right product, which was compounded by filters that used internal language & didn’t match shoppers
An experience that speaks to the customer, not the catalogue.
We wanted to make things easier to Find & Buy, by ensuring that experience matched the way our customers wanted to shop.
FoundIt’s AI based approach to understanding intent, and applying it to craft and optimize navigation, search results and product pages was an ideal fit, and worked with their existing platforms to do it.
Clarifies & helps customers as they browse
We loose customers who look at product but then give up the chase. The back click suggest feature really helps to cut that down.
By tuning into intent signals as shopper browse products, the back click suggestion feature responds with relevant drill down and search options to help.
These predict the customers latent intent and get them to the right products faster, without all the scrolling, searching and clicking.
10.6% sales growth
From deployment, to A/B test completion, Fenwick added 9% to site wide sales revenue via a combination of improvements to conversion rate and average order value!
Deliver ‘More like this’ style navigation options and relevant product collections, based on the key features that draw customers to the specific product.
Promotes rich, relevant and easy discovery from the PDP based on customer intent.
No need for prior cookies, cohort analysis or manual curation.
Avoid journey dead ends and frustrated back clicks.
Customers more likely to find what they want, faster and with less effort.
Out of stock optimization
Now you can close more sales, even when out of stock!
FoundIt’s AI keeps momentum in the customer journey even when products go out of stock, are fragmented, or are discontinued, by promoting relevant & lucid discovery options.
Monetize clicks and visits that would otherwise be lost and wasted due to unfulfilled expectations.
Create more flexibility to display out of stock products on site.
Eliminate dead ends and journey bottlenecks due to fluctuating stock.
Leverage popular but discontinued products to promote better range discovery.